Sunday, August 2, 2009

Last Days at the Gambier Road Market Pt. 11

Sorry for my long absence. Even though this series is now a year old, I'll continue posting the last few pictures from it before continuing to post other Kuching-related photographs. I have lost quite a few of my notes from that period so I no longer have a lot of the names of the people here. If any of you kind viewers can help me out in that regard, I'd be very grateful. Thanks also to KuRo89 at PhotoBorneo who linked to this blog and thus got me to develop and print the rest of these.

For those of you who don't live in Kuching, the Gambier Road Market buildings documented in this series have mostly been demolished.

View of the Banka Building from the food stalls lining Jalan Market.

Satay-seller at the food stalls lining Jalan Market.

Muslims exiting the Indian Mosque across from the market after the end of Friday prayers.

A delivery truck breaks down on Gambier Road.


krzys said...

Ahh, thanks goodness for RSS.

mr_abs said...

thank you for taking all these pictures. appreciate it very much

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